
Compress Your Mainframe Data

High Compression

Low CPU Consumption

Support All Types of Data

Guarantee Data Availability

Why InfoPak

InfoPak offers the best compression rates for your online and backup data.

InfoPak reduces the cost of online and offline space, thus considerably reducing the number of accesses to process the same quantity of data.

InfoPak is compatible with many hardware technology levels and offers the choice between software and hardware compression.

InfoPak applies to DL1, Db2, IDMS and DATACOM data types, as well as to VSAM and sequential files and PDS.

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A Unique Sofware Compression Technology

From the beginning, it was decided that InfoPak would not use external compression tables.

Technologies based on specific tables or dictionaries can expose users to data integrity problems in the event of alteration, loss or confusion of these tables.

InfoPak guarantees the highest level of compression with 100% data security.

InfoPak guarantees a maximum compression rate over time as data changes.

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A Simple Operating Mode

With InfoPak, simply choose the desired compression module according to the objectives set (compression rate and CPU consumption).

A number of “intelligent” algorithms are found in each module that are automatically allocated to data, according to their type.

This operation takes place without human intervention and maintains optimum compression during changes in data.

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Hardware Compression without Constraints

With InfoPak, users benefit immediately from hardware compression without superfluous equipment.

InfoPak is the only product to provide a hardware solution for IDMS and DATACOM sites.

Switch from software compression to “hardware” compression using InfoPak in both directions without conversion and without loading/unloading.

InfoPak is a very powerful tool for sites that uses, or will use, a number of machines with different technologies (whether or not they are equipped with a hardware device), which is often the case in a recovery situation following an incident (on the backup site.)

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Performance Evaluation

Infotel has developed an evaluation utility (TestPak) operating in interactive or batch mode to allow you to evaluate InfoPak performance on your site. Running like an application on existing databases, TestPak immediately shows the gains that can be obtained with InfoPak by the different compression options.

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