Our documentation

Written by industry experts, Infotel’s white papers offer in-depth insight into mainframe modernization, DevOps practices on these systems, and strategies for bridging the skills gap. At the same time, discover Infotel’s full range of enterprise IT solutions and services, designed to help our customers improve the quality of their service delivery.

Db2 for z/OS Utilities

Datasheet: DB/IQ

Learn how DB/IQ ensures the quality and performance of your SQL Db2 applications.

Datasheet: DB/IQ Quality Assurance

DB/IQ QA ensures the quality, maintainability, and performance for all DB2® for z/OS® applications.

Case Study: An Insurance Provider Using DB/IQ

Learn how a German insurance provider enhanced the performance of its Db2 applications with DB/IQ.

Datasheet: DB/IQ Eclipse

DB/IQ QA Eclipse plug-in is fully compatible with RDz and adapts enterprise-wide standards for all development made outside the mainframe.

Datasheet: DB/IQ Workload Detector

DB/IQ WL provides smart and efficient access to heavy weight packages or statements. 

Datasheet: DB/IQ PackMan

Looking to streamline Db2 backups and REORGS? Let DB/IQ PackMan declutter your Db2 Catalog.

Whitepaper: SQL Code Quality Assurance on IBM z/OS

Download our whitepaper SQL code quality assurance for IBM z/OS and learn the best strategies to improve the quality of your Db2 applications.

Case Study: Insurance Provider with DB/IQ PackMan

PackMan found and removed 15 million unnecessary rows in the Db2 Catalog, stabilizing the budget and majorly improving backups and REORGS. 

Case Study: Financial Industry with DB/IQ PackMan

PackMan was able to find hundred of thousands of rows of data that were redundant or unnecessary and could be removed for this financial industry client.

DevOps for z/OS

Whitepaper: DevOps is Here, with Its Eyes on the Mainframe

Download our whitepaper for seven steps to on how to implement DevOps into your mainframe environment

Whitepaper: Coping with the Pressure DevOps Places on Mainframe Software Testing

Learn how to keep up with the pressure of DevOps on the mainframe by eliminating the burden of creating application testing environments.

Datasheet: Application Parallel Testing

Application development testing for accelerated development across Agile and DevOps methods. 

Whitepaper: 6 Tips To Get Past Application Testing Obstacles Created By DevOps On The Mainframe

Accelerated mainframe application delivery means more chaos, less margin for error, and more iterative testing. Parallel testing can ease the pain and reduce production cycles significantly. These six tips will help get you there.

Case Study: Mainframe Application Parallel Testing

Download this case study to learn how a large international bank used Eccox APT from Infotel to speed up application delivery for z/OS.

Market Trends

Whitepaper: Managing Governance, Risk, and Compliance in the Wild West of Converging Data Security & Consumer Privacy Policy

For over 40 years, Infotel has delivered innovative enterprise software solutions and expert consulting services to help organizations maximize their technology investments.

Datasheet: iDBA-Online

Leverage A.I. to provide automatic maintenance capabilities for better Db2 application optimization with iDBA-Online.

Case Study: Master Your Data to Master Your Data Governance

Deepeo Helps Global Automaker Ensure Compliance, Streamline Data Management and Reduce Costs

Whitepaper: Effective People, Processes, and Systems are Critical Now More Than Ever

With a mainframe skills gap amidst a global pandemic, organizations must turn to technology to fill the void. 

Whitepaper: Mainframers Working From Home, and How IT Systems Leaders can Embrace the Trend.

This whitepaper outlines four ways a remote workforce can keep your organization ahead of the curve.

Whitepaper: The Next 5 Years Will Determine Your Mainframe’s Future for the Next 50

Learn where the mainframe has come in the last 50 years, where it is now, and where it’s headed in the next 50.